Phraktion is a community of people working in the life sciences sector with a desire to network and help each other out.
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Sometimes that involves sharing knowledge and experience, sometimes that involves getting stuck in and helping get the job done.
Click here to access the appTo get involved you become a Phraktion Member which gives you access to the network and all the useful people and things within it.
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As a Member, whether you're interested in buying services, selling services, standing on the sidelines and watching what's going on, or interacting with other Members, sharing knowledge and expertise, you'll find what you need.
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We welcome Members who are currently employed in life science companies and the companies that support them and Members who are self employed.
Phraktion is a community where everyone working in life science is welcome.
Perhaps your expertise is clinical development, or you love nothing more than designing a patient support programme, or perhaps you're obsessed with building a fantastic people culture or rigorously managing your company's regulatory submissions.
If you like doing that in life sciences, then you'll love being a part of Phraktion as its full of people like you.
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Come to phraktion to source external help or come to Phraktion to sell services or just come to join the many conversations and build your knowledge and network.
It's free and its the place where more and more life sciences people are choosing to network and help each other out.
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