Privacy Policy

This page gives important information about how we collect and use personal information. We also want to let you know your rights in respect of your personal information.

If you want to know more about how we use your personal information, please contact us at: [email protected]

Overview of how we use your personal information

We have summarised below how we use your personal information.

Personal Information you provide:
  • Personal business details (email, telephone number, address, nature of our relationship to you, other personal details as appropriate to our relationship with you).
  • Information created as part of communications between us.
What it is used for and why we collect it:
  • Promoting our services.
  • Responding to your enquiries and engaging with you as a solutions provider.
  • Quality, training, and system and product development.
  • Seeking your feedback in relation to our interaction with you.
  • Protecting our legal rights; administration, quality, and training; and system and product development.

If you enquire about our services (including through our contact page) we use information you provide as part of that enquiry, or in subsequent related communications, only for the purposes of:

  • contacting you in connection with our solutions;
  • providing you with information about our solutions; and
  • responding to, progressing, and managing your enquiries and requests.

Your personal information is processed in this way, either:

  • to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract with you; and/or
  • in our legitimate interests for the conduct and management of our business including, most importantly, giving the business you represent the best service and products we can and meeting your expectations.

You can object at any time to our processing of your personal information for these purposes, including by emailing us at [email protected] .


Engaging us as a solutions provider

When you engage us as your solutions provider, we will use your personal information to take relevant steps at your request prior to entering into a contract with us. This will include:

  • defining the solutions and associated services we will provide; and
  • establishing the terms on which they will be provided.
Provision of solutions and services

When we provide our solutions and services, we may process your personal information.

Unless otherwise stated, any personal information you give us when providing our services to you will be used for:

  • providing those solutions and services in accordance with our contract with you, or the business client you represent, or in your role as someone who can advise us or our client;
  • managing our relationship with you (or the business client you represent), to ensure our respective contractual obligations are met;
  • meeting our legal obligations; and
  • our legitimate interests in conducting and managing our business (including as described above) and enforcing our legal rights.
Providing expertise and advice

When you provide us with your expertise or advice, some of the information you provide may be personal information. Unless otherwise stated in the information we provide you, any personal information provided will only be used in our legitimate interests to support the development and improvement of our systems and products, and gain market insights generally. If you have agreed to being contacted in relation to the provision of expertise and advice, we will use your personal information to engage with you in that respect.

Other uses of your personal information

Enforcing legal rights
We will use your personal information for the enforcement or protection of our legal rights.

Administration, quality, and training
So we can administer our business (including in accordance with legal or other obligations we must meet), and our relationship with you, we will use your personal information. It will also be used in connection with the maintenance of our quality standards and the provision of internal training.

System and product development
Your personal information is also used by us to support the development and improvement of our systems and products. This can include providing your personal information to third parties so they can provide services to us in respect of system and product development or improvement, but they will only be able to use your personal information in accordance with our instructions.

Who else gets your personal information?

To help us provide our solutions and services, we may share your personal information with third parties who provide services to us, including:

  • information technology and information services providers;
  • other third-party service providers; and
  • professional and other third-party advisers.

These third parties can only use the personal information we share to provide their services to us or to support our delivery of our services to you.

Your personal information may also be shared with third parties in accordance with your written and verified instructions, or in accordance with legal obligations imposed upon us.

Your personal information is not shared with anyone else.

How long do we keep your personal information?

Unless otherwise stated, your personal information is kept for up to seven years after the year we last engaged with you, except in the case of personal information processed in connection with an enquiry but where we were not appointed to provide our solution, which we retain for a period of thirty-six months after we last heard from you.

Where there is a legal obligation to retain your personal information for a longer period, then we will retain it for the period required by that obligation.

Lawful use of your personal information

We only use your personal information if lawfully we can do so.

You do have the right to object to this processing and can do so by writing to us at our address or emailing us.

Your rights?

 Accessing, deleting, rectifying and moving your personal information

You have the right to:

  • access your personal information;
  • require us to delete it;
  • rectify any personal information we hold that is incorrect; and/or
  • have your personal information transmitted to another data controller.

If you want to exercise these rights, please let us know. You will need to provide sufficient information to verify and complete your request. We will complete your request within thirty days, subject to any legal or other requirements that requires us not to complete your request, in which case we shall inform you of this where we are permitted to do so.

Lodging a complaint

You can at any time complain about our processing of your personal information with the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office.
You can obtain contact details at:

How do you contact us?

The data controller is Phraktion Limited

If you wish to contact our designated data protection officer in relation to the processing of your personal data by Phraktion Limited, you can do so by emailing: [email protected]

This privacy statement is effective from 1st January 2023.